UCSF Fresno Research Data Browser | Connecting with Diverse Patient Populations

10:45 AM to 11:25 AM
Genentech Hall S202

Share UCSF data responsiblyProject overview:
With project support from the chancellor’s strategic initiative funding and the support of UCSF’s department of Population Health and Health Equity, UCSF Fresno made a project plan to develop a data analytic dashboard portal. Data will span from 2013-present. Data will be used for research and population health studies and quality initiatives. This project demonstrates how UCSF through its partnerships, persistence, and resourcefulness makes non-UCSF patient data available to researchers.
UCSF has approximately 1100 faculty, residents, and students who train at the UCSF Fresno center through a partnership with its affiliate regional hospital. UCSF Fresno is located in the heart of the Central Valley and home to some of California’s most diverse, underserved, and vulnerable patient populations. Until recently there were barriers to accessing data from these patient populations and were outside the reach of research studies.This session will showcase the project scope, deliverables and outcomes:

  • Project plan and deployment of data warehouse stores and analytic dashboard servers
  • Brokered an unprecedented data sharing agreement with non-UCSF affiliate hospital to obtain 1.5M patient records.
  • Map, extract and provide meaningful data of central California patient populations
  • Launch of research data analytic dashboards – UCSF Fresno Research Data Browser (Fresno RDB)
  • Establish a foundational framework for future data sharing and collaborative studies across the UCSF and UC systems

Slides: https://ucsf.box.com/s/5b3m4gmowukgy3sduomyb0ey1w3sn75j (MyAccess login required)

Jennifer Dodd
Gilbert Ramirez
Session Type: 
Skill Level: 
Previous Knowledge: 

Who may be interested in this session?

  • Those interested in research and research tools
  • Those with interest in data analytics
  • Those with interest in studies with diverse patient populations
  • Those interested in or currently brokering data sharing agreements with non-UCSF partners