Location Intelligence to Understand Effect of Place and Health

11:45 AM to 12:25 PM
Rutter Center Robertson Auditorium 2

As neighborhood factors and built environment become increasingly relevant for understanding the pathways to certain health behavior and outcomes, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) offers a variety of opportunity to study these linkages. The availability of location data at the individual level, such as residential locations, along with census data and freely available spatial data from a variety of resources provide an opportunity to assess the context of place and the people that drive differentials in health outcomes. 

Resources such as ArcGIS Online and ArcMap make it possible to geocode spatial data and map the neighborhood context. Spatial data, the resulting maps and analysis are an increasingly valuable tool to educate, prevent, and respond to community challenges. UCSF researchers now have access to ArcGIS and proprietary data that will allow for further investigation to the effects of location in health outcomes. This presentation will explore how geography intersects with health research and creates insights for understanding issues and directing policy. Local challenges of opioids and homelessness will be cited as examples.

Slides: https://ucsf.box.com/s/pafhdxzno99uo1lfjbvq3ugcgtft0d4f (MyAccess login required)

Mono Simeone
Priyanka Vyas
Session Type: 
Skill Level: 
Previous Knowledge: 

None required. This presentation will be valuable to anyone in a research or technology role at UCSF and/or interested in research tools, data analytics, or collecting field observations with geospatial tools. General curiosity is also welcomed.

Speaker Experience: 

Mōno is the UCSF GIS Manager supporting geospatial technologies for business sytems, operations, and communications. He is also the Esri Site License Administrator for UCSF, assisting with the distribution of Esri software and acquisition of datasets. Prior to UCSF, Mono taught at and Directed the GIS Education Center at CCSF, and is past-president of BayGeo.

Priyanka Vyas, Postdoctoral Scholar, Cardiovascular Research Institute. Priyanka earned her Master’s in public management and policy from North Carolina State University and moved to the University of Texas, Dallas, to pursue her doctorate in public policy and political economy.  During her doctoral studies, her research has focused on maternal and child health outcomes in the context of low and middle income countries and applying geospatial techniques to target health intervention.